I had the opportunity to see the set of Safe Haven. It is amazing the amount of detail crew members have put in to make this Nicholas Sparks' book come to life.
Ryan's Port Market
This is the place where Alex, the love interest, works.
Another angle of Ryan's Port Market
The place where Katie, the main character, works.
It was really cool to see these sets. They actually built Ryan's Port Market just for the movie. It's a shame that they're going to tear it down once the filming is done.
Seeing this filming, it's makes me love screenwriting even more. If one day my characters could come to life on the screen like Nicholas Spark's characters, I'd be a happy writer.
If you'd like to know more about Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, here's a link to a summary written by amazon.com:
It's a little different than his other books, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
~A.E. Keener